Writers Write

Blogging is hard.

Writing is hard.

Why is it that so many writers fail to find the time to write?

It’s been explained to me: Writers write. They don’t wait for motivation or the muse to strike them. Writers Write. This is not a new concept. But a profound one.

I want to be a writer. So therefore, I need to write. Like I said, profound.

For anybody else struggling to find the time to follow your dream, remember you must actively pursue it. It won’t pursue you.

But again, writing is hard. Blogging is hard. But Writers Write. So I’m writing…..They call this a stream of consciousness piece.


#blogging #writing #amwriting #writer #goforit #lameblog #streamofconsciousness #ohboy

Fatherless on Father’s Day


Easy? Hard? Ambivalent.

It’s just another day?

Miss him. I do.

Do I miss him more today then yesterday?


The massive crater in my heart that was blasted there the day my father died feels the same.

No matter the day.

Holidays call light to it. Holidays bring memories flooding back. Holidays remind others of what I lack. Holidays remind me of what I’m missing. What Gavin’s missing.

Father’s Day just reminds me that I’m fatherless. That Gavin will never get to know his grandpa.

I whisper in secret Happy Father’s Day to my Dad.

Father’s Day might just be harder now.

Knowing my son won’t be whispering Happy Grandpa’s Day to a man he never knew, but who runs so deep in his blood that his grandpa’s soul shines through his eyes.

#fatherless #happyfathersday

RIP Charles Franklin Parker loving father, husband and grandpa in heaven. 1959-2010

Happy Father’s Day Daddy. 

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning.

I would really like to know who came up with the concept.

SO, I can throttle them!


I want to state up front that a month ago my thoughts were only praise for spring cleaning.


I mean the idea is brilliant. The weather is getting nicer. Windows open creating a nice breeze while you clean out all those dust bunnies that took up hibernation in your house. Get a clean house, eliminate junk and feel great!


Humm. So where did I go wrong? I don’t have a clean house, junk is everywhere! and it doesn’t feel great!


About a month ago I decided to tackle the closets in my house. Unfortunately for me, my closets decided to rebel. They exploded throughout my house. How three tiny closets can hold so much I will never know. I mean really, how did it all fit?!


I will admit I did fill my husbands truck bed with donations. Yet, I still can’t see the floors of my closets! Maybe it’s because summer decided to overshadow spring this year, but I can’t find my spring cleaning bug anywhere! Maybe I swept it out with the dust bunnies?


I’m throwing in the white flag. I’m up to my neck in possessions. I’ll just lay on top of that cloths pile, it will make a great new bed.

Okay, better yet. I shoved it all back in.

I actually got rid of stuff? Doesn’t look like it.


Well, I suppose that’s why closets have doors.

Yes, I would really like to know who came up with the concept to put a door on a closet.

SO, I can kiss them!


#springcleaning #inovermyhead #closetdoorsrule #hideit #untilnextspring

You might be a terrible blogger if—you can’t remember your login to wordpress.

One year ago, I officially became a stay at home mom. My plans (besides being a kick ass SAHM) were to finally devote time to my writing career.

I was going to become a blogger! Start a blog, CHECK! But, keep up with my blog? Well . . .

I was going to work on my WIP (work in progress) . . . well technically I have worked on it . . . SO CHECK!

I was going to participate in NaNoWriMo, CHECK! I even finished.

I was going to enter more writing contests (I have entered a few, but not many) CHECK?

Oh, AND yeah, I was going to have a manuscript ready for querying . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

If you’re a writer, published or not you can understand my laugh. It is so easy to set writing goals but actually put in the work to achieve them? That is a hell of a lot tougher.

I’ve been a stay at home mom for one year and I have loved every second of it. But my inner soul is crying out for me to pursue my passion. It’s time for this stay at home mom to make writing a priority. Time to treat my novel, my blog, my short stories—my writing like a job.

Let’s hope you here from me again soon! Until then Happy Writing/your own passion!

#writer #amwriting #nano #blogfail #writerfail #passion #recommit #SAHM #WIP

Failing but Trying

Okay, so it seems I am failing at keeping up this blog. But I am trying! Last post was start of NaNo when I felt in over my head! While I went through a rollercoaster of emotions during the month of November that I should have blogged about I focused every word I could squeeze out of me for NaNo. And it worked! I am pleased to announce I am a winner of 2017 NaNoWrimo.

My Prize: One really really rough first draft of my manuscript.

While yes this sounds like a sad prize, it is really the best a writer could ask for. I put my blood, sweat and tears into that draft. Okay. I put my tears, fears and dreams into it. And now, after weeks away, its time to start the first round of editing. I find myself excited and nervous.

Will these words, written in a haste to meet a goal, actually hold the promise of a novel? Will I have to throw out most of it? Will I find passages of complete insight that I won’t even have to change one word? Will I decide I should never write again? Will I declare myself an amazing writer?

The truth is, a degree of all of this, is likely to happen.

It is, after all, a part of being a writer.


#nanowrimo #winner #bloggingmore #roughdraft #amwriting #amediting

Day 6 of NanoWriMo

Blink. Blink. Blink. The cursor is blinking at me. I can hear it thinking. Is that all you got? Ha. You think that was good? Boy do you have a long way to go. Just Write. Any words will do. You can edit later. Hello? Are you still there? Well, that was a pretty good sentence. Man, you managed to put a paragraph that didn’t suck together. Too fast. I can’t blink at this rate. Ah, there you are. Out of words already? You haven’t hit your goal. Not even your daily goal. Wait wait don’t hit the save and close button . . .

Day 6 has me rethinking this whole thing.

While I’m actually a day ahead on my word count I find myself stuck. Stuck in doubt. Stuck in fear. Stuck in dread. Stuck in the middle.

I have finished the start of my novel. The one that was running rapid in my mind for months before Nano. Now, I’m at the point of transition between start to middle. I hate writing the middle of the story. I always have. It’s my nemeses. No matter short or long story. The characters seem to become really quiet when I get to this point. Otherwise known as writer’s block.

The piece of advice I’m trying to utilize, “just write through it.” And I’m trying.

But that damn cursor is laughing at me.



NaNoWriMo Signup

I’ve decided to try my hand at Nanowrimo this year. Back in 2013 I was able to complete it, but have fallen short every year since. Some of those years I fell so short I forgot to even sign up!

For those of you who have never heard of it let me explain. Nanowrimo AKA Writer who lost their mind. The challenge is to write your novel in a month! The month of November. You know the one with the amazing Thanksgiving holiday in it? Followed by hours of bargain shopping on Black Friday. And if your anything like me the holiday weekend is spent decorating for Christmas.

Well, yep I signed up anyway. 50,000 words in 30 days.

Depending on the genre of the book you are writing (or reading) your novel can be anywhere from 40,000 words up. A majority of novel’s word count falls between 60,000 and 100,000. My story idea for Nano is a romantic suspense. Final word count for a finished project will land me around 75,000 words.

I figure if I can commit and be crowned a winner of Nano then I will have a pretty good chunk of my manuscript written. And maybe if I write around bites of turkey and stuffing, I will just complete the first draft of my novel.

Bath Time

20130212_183912An hour ago, it sounded like a good idea. But, now, soaking wet, covered in dog hair and uncertain if my dogs and I are still friends, I’m not so sure. My husband just finished giving our six-month-old son a bath and I had the bright idea to bathe our two dogs next.

My husband, often is the one to tackle the chore of getting our rangy mutts clean. Even as I type that I can feel my husband’s eyebrow going up. Often is an understatement, ALWAYS is more accurate. We have two dogs, a sixty-pound male mutt and a forty-pound female GSP. It is no small task to ensure their cleanliness. They are both afraid of the tub, water hose or heck any water that is not in their bowl.

But, I was feeling adventurous.

He said, “Honey, not today. Maybe tomorrow.”

“I’ve got it! No big deal,” I replied, overly confident.

I diligently set the scene. Dog shampoo, cup, warm water, and towel. I decided to start

with Lacie. The smaller and less feisty of the two. Going willing did not happen. After chasing her down the hallway and back again I managed to trap her in the bathroom. She anchored her always wagging, wiggling bottom to the floor. Hefting her into the tub she slid and splashed until finally freezing.

I managed to lather her up. My nostrils filling, with the watermelon scented shampoo, I started to feel a little confident. Well, that lasted all of thirty seconds. Who knew rinsing the dog would be the hardest part! Is all the shampoo gone? How is one to tell for sure? No matter, she decided bath time was over by jumping from the tub and shaking from nose to tail. I managed to dry her off and brush her, oh man the hair!

Spent, I looked at my husband and said, “Is it always this hard?”

“Why do you think I don’t do it as often as I should?”

“So . . . Gizmo?” Gizmo is our bigger dog . . . the one who really hates bath time.

“Nope, you said you got it.”

I thought I would take a different approach. Brush him first. Maybe less hair would shed off in the tub this way.

Gizmo’s energy is already spiked, because of Lacie’s bath time. Crouched and ready to flee my dog stared me down. I tapped the brush in my hand and took a tentative step toward him. He fled. The chase ensued.

I lost. I lost the chase, the battle, the whole war. He did not get brushed. He did not get bathed by me. He was washed by my husband who said, “Okay, this is getting out of hand, I’ll clean him.” To which he did without any issues.

My husband and dog emerged from the bathroom. Husband mostly dry.


“Gimzo and I have an understanding.” At his words Gizmo shook the remaining water all over me.

I swear they both grinned at me.

My First Blog

Blog number one. I am not sure what I am getting myself into. I am a writer. I write a variety of different works. I have had non-fiction and fiction pieces published. My goal is to write and publish a full length romantic suspense novel. Along my writing journey I have discovered the need for a blog. I plan to blog . . . I however am not sure what I plan to write on this blog, but one thing for sure, I can tell  you, is that all my post will be HartFelt.